Ambassador Ali Goutali, served as Ambassador of Tunisia for over 20 years to countries on 4 continents including Russia and Ukraine. He held high ranking posts in Tunisia, particularly as Diplomatic adviser to the President of The Republic, and Director General of the Diplomatic Institute. He is author of a book on decision making in foreign policy as well as numerous studies on international politics. He lectured in Tunisia and abroad on world politics and is currently senior fellow at numerous national and international research and strategic studies institutions. He is holder of a Master’s degree and a doctorate in international Relations.
ИСМО е сдружение с нестопанска цел за осъществяване на дейност от обществена полза с основна задача да осигурява широка подкрепа за формиране на националната външна политика.
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© 2021 СписаниеМо - Списание за дипломация, политика и икономика СписаниеМо.