Director of EGTS HELICAS, Greece since 2018, a position in which he is particularly active in strengthening institutionalized cross-border cooperation in Southeast Europe. He has many years of experience in the field of local and regional development, having implemented dozens of related projects and related studies. Over the past decade, he has worked on many cross-border cooperation projects. Anastasiadis is an economist and holds a master’s degree in regional development.
ИСМО е сдружение с нестопанска цел за осъществяване на дейност от обществена полза с основна задача да осигурява широка подкрепа за формиране на националната външна политика.
© 2021 СписаниеМо - Списание за дипломация, политика и икономика СписаниеМо.
© 2021 СписаниеМо - Списание за дипломация, политика и икономика СписаниеМо.