Jovan Kurbalija is the Founding Director of the DiploFoundation and Head of the Geneva Internet Platform. He previously served as Executive Director of the UN High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation (2018-2019). Kurbalija has been lecturing at many universities worldwide, including the College of Europe, where he is a visiting professor.
Kurbalija has been a leading expert on the impact of AI and digitalisation on diplomacy and modern society. His book ‘Introduction to Internet Governance’, translated into 11 languages, is a textbook at many universities worldwide.
Kurbalija has led digital capacity development for Africa over the last 3 decades involving thousands of tech experts, diplomats, and business people. In 2022, he co-authored the landmark study on Africa’s digital diplomacy: ‘Stronger digital voices from Africa: Building African digital foreign policy and diplomacy’.
ИСМО е сдружение с нестопанска цел за осъществяване на дейност от обществена полза с основна задача да осигурява широка подкрепа за формиране на националната външна политика.
© 2021 СписаниеМо - Списание за дипломация, политика и икономика СписаниеМо.
© 2021 СписаниеМо - Списание за дипломация, политика и икономика СписаниеМо.