Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria. Deputy in the Fortieth National Assembly (2005-2007). Head of the Press Center of the Supreme Council of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (1997-2007. Member of the Supreme Council of the BSP (since 2000). Deputy Chairman of the City Council of the BSP – Sofia since January 2006. Chairman of the Bulgarian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie and Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Member of the EP from the Group of Socialists and Democrats since June 2007.
ИСМО е сдружение с нестопанска цел за осъществяване на дейност от обществена полза с основна задача да осигурява широка подкрепа за формиране на националната външна политика.
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© 2021 СписаниеМо - Списание за дипломация, политика и икономика СписаниеМо.