Policy analyst and advisor since 1991, was a member of the Parliament. As a Professor at the Hellenic National School of Public Administration he has taught and lead research on public administration issues. He has participated in various Committees on Better Regulation from the beginning of the relevant movement in Europe and he has served as an expert by international organizations on good Governance and public administration reform (OECD, World Bank, UN). Dr. Karkatsoulis has also worked as a policy adviser for foreign governments (FYROM, Kosovo, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Syria). Dr. Karkatsoulis has published 4 books and many articles for scientific journals and daily media. For his contribution to the theory and practice of administrative reforms he has been awarded the “Senator Peter Boorsma Award for administrative excellence” by the Southeastern Conference for Public Administration at 2003 in Savannah/GA/USA.
ИСМО е сдружение с нестопанска цел за осъществяване на дейност от обществена полза с основна задача да осигурява широка подкрепа за формиране на националната външна политика.
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© 2021 СписаниеМо - Списание за дипломация, политика и икономика СписаниеМо.